About Me

Inside of me there's a skinny woman SCREAMING to get out....I can usually shut her up with a box of chocolates!

Monday, August 16, 2010


It just occurred to me that the prefix, pro, in procrastination implies being active or positive towards something, whereas the actual meaning of the word is contrary to this.

Okay, its Monday, and I haven't started the diet, exercise etc, etc...But I have a very good reason.
I had a dream or rather, a nightmare last night. In the dream, I was picking my nose and all my friends were pointing and laughing at me. See, its a bad omen, I can't start my new fabulous life on that note, and anyway, who starts a diet on a Monday? Its not called blue Monday for nothing!
I know what you're saying, I'm making excuses, but seriously, would you want to make these drastic life changes after having THAT nightmare?
So, I decided that I need to regroup and re-assess my plan of action.
I'm going to start on the first of the new month. Yes, 1 September is D-day...provided it's not a Monday...and I don't have another nightmare.
Until then, well, life continues as per normal, unless I have another epiphany that spurs me into action, and another nightmare that brings on inaction...the cycle continues.....